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Delivery Information

There are two types of product badges you will see on the product pages, all products on our website are Australian stock. You will get notifications by email at every stage of the delivery.

Any product with this label means this product is in Australia. We will collect from the manufacturer or provider company after you place an order. It will be delivered within 4-8 weeks

Any product with this label means this product has arrived in Bangladesh already from Australia. It will be sent from our warehouse after you place an order. It will be delivered within 1-7 days weeks.

All requested products from the Product Request page will be shipped from Australia.

We try our best to deliver your order within 3 weeks while making sure you get your items perfectly. Sometimes some delays may occur due to some unavoidable circumstances that are out of our control. Thanks for your patience and support.

Reasons For Possible Delivery Delays


Fewer passenger and cargo flights mean less air freight capacity. International routesโ€ฏhave much lower frequencies. Items may be held longer than usual by Bangladeshi customs authorities. Some order deliveries could be delayed due to major COVID-19 disruptions.

Customs Clearence

It’s not usual but sometimes there can be extended delays in Bangladesh Airport in the process of customs clearing products due to many factors. Sometimes they go through individual item screening that could potentially make some delays.

Natural Disaster

If you are from an area where natural disasters and/or weather events (such as earthquakes or extreme precipitation) have recently impeded transportation access, there might be delays in delivery.

If you have any questions about anything message us on social media or email us at [email protected].

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From anywhere to you!

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Australian/Global Stock

Bring any product from anywhere

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